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Meghalaya: Govt receives official communication from banned outfit HNLC for peace talk

  • Integrity Education, Delhi
  • 12, Feb 2022
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In Meghalaya, the State Government has received official communication from the banned outfit Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC) for holding peace talks without any pre-condition.

Meghalaya Home Minister Lakhmen Rymbui informed the media that the Government came to know the HNLC was keen on talks and sought the appointment of an interlocutor for the purpose.

The HNLC had sent a letter to the Chief Minister with a copy each to the Deputy Chief Minister and the Home Minister, reiterating their decision to hold peace talks. He further added that communication has been appraised to the Union Government of the recent development and is in the process of identifying an interlocutor.

He stated that every Government and every citizen wants peace, progress, and development in the State, and some misunderstanding or the other had derailed efforts to bring the outfit to the talks table in the past.

Sources : News on AIR