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Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) – Annual Report [July, 2019 – June, 2020]

  • Integrity Education, Delhi
  • 24, Jul 2021
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National Statistical Office (NSO) launched the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) in April 2017.

Objective of PLFS

  • To estimate the key employment and unemployment indicators (viz. Worker Population Ratio, Labour Force Participation Rate, Unemployment Rate) in the short time interval of three months for the urban areas only in the ‘Current Weekly Status’ (CWS).
  • To estimate employment and unemployment indicators in both ‘Usual Status’ (ps+ss) and CWS in both rural and urban areas annually.

Key Definitions
Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR)
LFPR is defined as the percentage of persons in labour force (i.e. working or seeking or available for work)in the population.

Worker Population Ratio (WPR)
WPR is defined as the percentage of employed personsin the population.

Unemployment Rate (UR)
UR is defined as the percentage of persons unemployed among the persons in the labour force.

Activity Status- Usual Status
It is determined on the basis of the activities pursued by the person during the last 365 days preceding the date of survey. 

Activity Status- Current Weekly Status (CWS)
It is determined on the basis of activities pursued by the person during the last 7days preceding the date of survey.

Principal activity status(ps)
The activity status on which a person spent relatively long time (major time criterion) during 365 days preceding the date of survey, is considered the usual principal activity status of the person.

Subsidiary economic activity status(ss)
The activity status in which a person in addition to his/her usual principal status,performs some economic activity for 30 days or more for the reference period of 365 days preceding the date of survey, is considered the subsidiary economic status of the person.