Virtual inauguration of 14 Cross-Disability Early Intervention Centres
Integrity Education, Delhi
18, Jun 2021
Ministry: Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Purpose: To identify children with disabilities or infants who are at risk of developing a disability, and provide them early assistance, so as to ensure optimal development of the child
The Centres will provide screening and identification, rehabilitation, counselling, therapeutic services among others for different disabilities under one roof.
Research studies suggest that early childhood (0-6 years) is a time of remarkable brain development. It is the critical period that determines a person’s ability to reach her/his lifelong health, social and economic potential.
The Central Government has implemented the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPWD) Act, 2016, in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which envisages an inclusive society for persons with disabilities.