State of adolescent learning
- Vaid's ICS, Lucknow
- 14, Apr 2022
ASER highlights the dismal picture of online education
Universal Enrolment:
- Over the last few decades in India, there has been a massive government drive to push for universal enrolment, extending to secondary as well as primary school children.
- Successive Annual Status of Education Reports (ASER) have shown that this drive has been largely successful for both age groups, with high enrolment rates even during the pandemic.
- Despite two years of COVID-related school closures, the increase in unenrolled 11–14-year-olds has been marginal, while the number of out-of-school 15–16-year-olds has actually fallen, for both boys and girls.
Absence of formal learning:
- Although efforts have been made by parents, teachers and governments, learning at home through online education during the pandemic has been far from successful for these children.
- ASER 2020 and 2021 brought to light a dismal picture of access to technology-based learning resources.
- Even though over 70% of children in Classes IX to XII had a smartphone at home, only about 35% of them could use it for studies at all times, while 17% could not use it at all.
- In the absence of formal schooling, family members often assumed the task of teaching.
- The ASER reports show adolescents did not fare well — older children received less learning support than younger ones.
- Additionally, some children — especially older girls — faced competing demands due to financial stress and increased requirement of care work at home.
Care burden on girl child affected education:
- Even in 2017, ASER had reported that almost 90% of female youth aged 14-18 did housework on a daily basis, compared to three-fourths of male youth.
- According to the Building Back Better report by UNICEF, school closures exacerbated girls’ and women’s unpaid care work, limiting the time available to learn at home.
- During COVID-19, girls might have had to replace the work done by the missing caregiver, or simply because of gendered expectations. ASER 2021 data hints at the same.
Gender disparity:
- Gender disparity at home may have been aggravated in the pandemic, but it is not new.
ASER 2017 had found that 14–18-year-old youth’s aspirations were gendered, with most male youth mentioning ‘Army/Police’ and ‘Engineer’, while female youth preferred ‘Teacher’ and ‘Doctor/Nurse’ as their occupation.
- The kind of work children did during lockdowns shows that they are exposed to gendered expectations from a young age.
- A study using ASER, India Human Development Survey and National Family Health Survey data suggest that long before the pandemic, gender disparity had started spilling over into learning outcomes too.
- The study found that female disadvantage persists in mathematics learning outcomes over the last decade, and shows no signs of disappearing.
Way Forward:
- All of this points to an imminent need to integrate gender sensitisation modules into curricula for adolescents’ education. School-based gender sensitisation programmes can play a transformative role in ensuring that all children get an equitable environment to grow.
- For example, an attitude change programme in Haryana run by Breakthrough and evaluated by the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) showed promising results, with participants exhibiting gender-equitable behaviours even two years after the programme ended.
- It was centred around interactive classroom discussions about gender equality in secondary schools.
Scaling up such programmes for all schools and States could help bring about more gender-progressive views among communities.
With schools reopening, a gender-equitable environment for their growth should be prioritised. As the world begins to recover from the effects of the pandemic, this is an opportunity to rebuild better — one which should not be missed.