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Criminal Procedure (Identification) Bill

Reference News:-The Criminal Procedure (Identification) Bill has been introduced in the Lok Sabha.After the introduction, the Opposition sought a division, resulting in 120 votes in favour and 58 votes against the Bill.Key Provisions:It seeks to repea

Publish Date 30, Mar 2022 Read More
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Ghar Ghar Ration Yojna

Reference News:-The new scheme was announced by the Punjab Government recently.Highlights of the new Scheme:It provides for home delivery of foodgrains to beneficiaries.The government gives 5 kg wheat to every individual beneficiary per month at Rs 2 per kg

Publish Date 30, Mar 2022 Read More
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Permanent Body constituted to prevent elephant deaths on railway tracks

Reference News:-The Union Environment Ministry has constituted a “permanent” coordination committee that includes the Ministry of Railways and the Environment Ministry to prevent elephant deaths on railway tracks.Background:19 elephants were

Publish Date 30, Mar 2022 Read More
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Chandigarh employees to be under central civil services rules

Reference News:-The Central Government has announced that the central civil services will now apply to the employees of the Chandigarh administration.The Union Territory of Chandigarh is the common capital of Punjab and Haryana.Implications:Enhancement of

Publish Date 30, Mar 2022 Read More
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What causes coral bleaching at the Great Barrier Reef?

Reference News:-Scientists have warned that the Great Barrier Reef will face a critical period of heat stress over the coming weeks, following the most widespread coral bleaching the natural world has ever endured.About Great Barrier Reef:The Great Barrier R

Publish Date 30, Mar 2022 Read More
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Malabar rebellion of 1921

Reference News:-The Indian Council for Historical Research (ICHR) has deferred its decision on a recommendation to remove the 1921 Malabar Rebellion martyrs, including Variamkunnaathu Kunhahamad Haji and Ali Musliyar, from the list of India’s freedom figh

Publish Date 30, Mar 2022 Read More
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What is Earth Hour?

Reference News:-Every year, Earth Hour is observed on the last Saturday of March at 8:30 pm. And while previously it brought the public out onto the roads to mark the hour, this year the famous environmental initiative went digital as many countries are in lockdown.T

Publish Date 29, Mar 2022 Read More
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Minority Status for Hindus

Reference News:-A plea has been filed in the Supreme Court seeking minority status for Hindus in Mizoram,Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Punjab, Lakshadweep, Ladakh, Kashmir etc.What the plea seeks?Minority status for Hindus: Hindus were

Publish Date 29, Mar 2022 Read More
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Reference News:-BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) completes 25 years of the journey this year that began in Bangkok in June 1997.The fifth summit of BIMSTEC will be held in Colombo on March 30.What is BIMSTEC?In an

Publish Date 29, Mar 2022 Read More
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Bucharest Nine

Reference News:-The envoys to India of nine Eastern European countries called Bucharest Nine jointly wrote to acquaint the Indian public with the basic facts on the ground” about the “premeditated, unprovoked and unjustified Russian aggression in Ukraine&rdqu

Publish Date 29, Mar 2022 Read More