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What is the Global Methane Pledge?

Reference News:The Global Methane Pledge was launched at the UN COP26 climate conference in Glasgow.It is an effort led jointly by the United States and the European Union.So far, over 90 countries have signed this pledge.About the Global Metha

Publish Date 09, Nov 2021 Read More
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Khasi Inheritance of Property Bill, 2021

Reference News:Last week, a district autonomous council in Meghalaya announced that it would introduce the ‘Khasi Inheritance of Property Bill, 2021.It is aimed at “equitable distribution” of parental property among siblings in the Khasi community.Implicatio

Publish Date 08, Nov 2021 Read More
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Diplomatic relations between China and Taiwan

Reference News:The European Parliament’s first official delegation to Taiwan has come in support of Taiwan and said that the diplomatically isolated island is not alone. It called for bolder actions to strengthen EU-Taiwan ties as Taipei faces rising pressure from Be

Publish Date 08, Nov 2021 Read More
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The Hamas and Gaza Strip

Reference News:Egypt is seeking to reach an agreement on a cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinian resistance group Hamas in Gaza.The Agreement includes:Long-term cease-fire, a prisoner swap, humanitarian aid to Gaza and reconstruction.Who are Hamas?Ha

Publish Date 08, Nov 2021 Read More
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High Edible oil prices in India

Reference News:The prices of most major cooking oils have dropped and stabilised across the country in the run-up to Diwali.Reasons for the drop in prices:Stabilisation of global prices.Duty cuts.Cut in wholesale prices by major private players.Stock limits imposed by th

Publish Date 08, Nov 2021 Read More
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What are Technical Textiles?

Reference News:The Centre is targeting five times’ increase in export of technical textiles in three years.Technical Textiles market and India’s share in it:The world market for technical textiles is $250 billion and India’s share is $19 billion.T

Publish Date 08, Nov 2021 Read More
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Iran and enriched uranium

Reference News:Iran’s stockpile of 20% enriched uranium has reached over 210 kilograms, the latest defiant move ahead of upcoming nuclear talks with the West.Also, so far the Iran agency has also produced 25 kilograms of 60% enriched uranium, a level that on

Publish Date 08, Nov 2021 Read More
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Stubble Burning and its impact on health

Reference News:A study was conducted recently in six villages of Patiala, Punjab on Stubble Burning and impacts on health.Key findings of the study:Pollution from stubble burning significantly reduced lung function and was particularly harmful to rural women.The co

Publish Date 08, Nov 2021 Read More
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Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)

Comptroller and Auditor General of India and Auditor General of Maldives have signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen the audit process of public finance.The MoU also aims at exchanging information in the field of public sector audit between the two countries.Ab

Publish Date 01, Nov 2021 Read More
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No money left in MGNREGA coffers

According to its own financial statement, the Mahtama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act(MGNREGA) scheme has run out of funds halfway through the financial year, and supplementary budgetary allocations will not come to the rescue for at least another month when t

Publish Date 01, Nov 2021 Read More