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International Finance Corporation (IFC) stake in Federal Bank

IFC stake in Federal Bank Ltd has resulted in no new coal commitment.What’s the issue?The international body had demanded in July 2021 that India’s 7th largest commercial bank should put a stop to coal financing.The bank is a key lender to firms

Publish Date 19, Oct 2021 Read More
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Ebola Outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo

Ebola resurfaces in Democratic Republic of Congo 4 months after outbreak contained.Background:The Ebola outbreak in 2014-2016 killed 11,300 people, mostly in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.In May 2021, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) officially decl

Publish Date 19, Oct 2021 Read More
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Impact of COVID-19 on TB elimination efforts

The Global TB report has been released by the World Healthy Organization (WHO).Key findings:The world suffered huge reverses in progress towards tuberculosis (TB)elimination in 2020, thanks to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.The biggest impact was felt i

Publish Date 19, Oct 2021 Read More
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Global Hunger Index : India’s Performance

Global Hunger Index 2021 has been released.Performance of India:India has slipped seven places to rank 101 among 116 countries. The level of hunger in India was ‘serious’ according to the report.It ranked fourth among South Asian countries.Only 15 other

Publish Date 19, Oct 2021 Read More
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India Re-elected United Nations Human Rights Council

India gets re-elected to UN Human Rights Council for 6th term with overwhelming majority.Besides, the US has also joined more than three years after the Trump administration quit the UNHRC over what it called chronic bias against Israel and a lack of reform.Background

Publish Date 18, Oct 2021 Read More
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‘One Health’ consortium: Department of Biotechnology

The Department of Biotechnology has launched a ‘One Health’ consortium. This is the First ‘One Health’ project of the DBT.About the project:It envisages carrying out surveillance of important bacterial, viral and parasitic infecti

Publish Date 18, Oct 2021 Read More
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Daylight lynching and law to prevent it:

The recent lynching of a man at Singhu, at the site of the farmers’ protest on the Delhi-Haryana border, the brutality of the hate crime captured and replayed on video, calls for the full force of the law to step in, to bring swift and sure punishment to the guilty.W

Publish Date 18, Oct 2021 Read More
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Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) 2.0

The Union Cabinet has approved the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 (AMRUT 2.0) till 2025-26.This is a step towards Aatma Nirbhar Bharat intending to make the cities ‘water secure and self-sustainable’ through circular economy of wat

Publish Date 18, Oct 2021 Read More
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Nihang Sikh: Who are Nihangs?

Last year, a group of Nihangs had chopped off the hand of a policeman in Patiala with a sword after he asked them to show ‘movement passes’ during the Covid lockdown.This year, they have again killed a man near Singhu border in New Delhi, allegedly for desecr

Publish Date 18, Oct 2021 Read More
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PM Modi Launches GatiShakti — National Master Plan:

“PM GatiShakti — National Master Plan” for infrastructure development has been launched.It aims to boost multimodal connectivity and drive down logistics costs.About PM GatiShakti:It is a digital platform that connects 16 ministries — in

Publish Date 18, Oct 2021 Read More