A Complete Solution of Puzzle & Seating Arrangement - Pre + Mains Examinations

For Upcoming SBI PO, IBPS PO, RBI Grade B, LIC AAO, IBPS Clerk & Other Bank Exams

Course Features:

What you will get in this Course :-

  • 1600+ Questions based on New Pattern Questions.
  • 15 types of Puzzles & Seating Arrangement.
  • All types of latest pattern questions.
  • Latest Memory Based Questions asked in SBI, IBPS, RBI and Other Examinations.
  • Clear your doubts with Expert Reasoning Faculty
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Mock Test

Mock Tests

Puzzles (Generalised, Categorised, Order and Comparison, Day Based) - Paid
 Duration: 120 Minutes No. of Questions: 202
MONTH BASED Puzzles - Paid
 Duration: 90 Minutes No. of Questions: 75
Floor based Puzzles - Paid
 Duration: 120 Minutes No. of Questions: 115
Box based Puzzles - Paid
 Duration: 90 Minutes No. of Questions: 70
Blood Relations Based Relations - Paid
 Duration: 30 Minutes No. of Questions: 20
Year Based Puzzles - Paid
 Duration: 30 Minutes No. of Questions: 20
Flat Based Puzzles - Paid
 Duration: 30 Minutes No. of Questions: 20
Mixed Puzzles - Paid
 Duration: 10 Minutes No. of Questions: 5
Linear Arrangement - Paid
 Duration: 150 Minutes No. of Questions: 125
 Duration: 60 Minutes No. of Questions: 60
Circular Arrangement - Paid
 Duration: 120 Minutes No. of Questions: 95
Facing Inwards & Outwards - Paid
 Duration: 60 Minutes No. of Questions: 50
Embedded/ Concentric Circle - Paid
 Duration: 30 Minutes No. of Questions: 20
Relations Based Circular Arrangement - Paid
 Duration: 60 Minutes No. of Questions: 30
Triangular Arrangement - Paid
 Duration: 30 Minutes No. of Questions: 25
Rectagular Arrangement - Paid
 Duration: 60 Minutes No. of Questions: 35
Square Arrangement - Paid
 Duration: 60 Minutes No. of Questions: 40
Direction, Distance & Other Puzzles - Paid
 Duration: 60 Minutes No. of Questions: 44
 Duration: 300 Minutes No. of Questions: 345