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Reforming the Fertilizer Sector

Since 1991, when economic reforms began in India, several attempts have been made to reform the fertilizer sector to Keep a check on the rising fertilizer subsidy billPromote the efficient use of fertilizersAchieve balanced use of N, P and K (nitrogen, phosphorus and pota

Publish Date 24, Nov 2021 Read More
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Policy on MSP

Farmers are demanding a law for guaranteed minimum support price (MSP).What is MSP?MSP is the rate at which the government buys grains from farmers. Currently, it fixes MSPs for 23 crops grown in both Kharif and Rabi seasons.How is it calculated?The MSP is the rate at whi

Publish Date 24, Nov 2021 Read More
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ASEAN meet for ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations

China has announced USD 1.5 billion development assistance for the ASEAN besides the elevation of the ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership to strengthen security cooperation with the 10-nation bloc, amid the US push into the resource rich Indo-Pacific.Xi made the rem

Publish Date 24, Nov 2021 Read More
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A.P. to rework law on three capitals move

The Andhra Pradesh Assembly has passed a Bill to repeal the A.P. Decentralisation and Inclusive Development of All Regions Act (aimed at setting up three capitals), and the Capital Region Development Authority (CRDA) Repeal Act of 2020.The Government plans to bring a more com

Publish Date 24, Nov 2021 Read More
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First all-India survey on domestic workers kicks off

The first All-India Survey on Domestic Workers was recently flagged off.About the Survey:The survey is being carried out by the Labour Bureau.It is aimed at estimating the number of domestic workers at the national and State levels, those engaged ininformal employ

Publish Date 24, Nov 2021 Read More
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Authoritarianism is on the rise, says report

The Global State of Democracy Report, 2021 was recently released by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.The reports refer to three main regime types: democracies, hybrid and authoritarian regimes. Hybrid and authoritarian regimes are b

Publish Date 24, Nov 2021 Read More
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JPC report on the Personal Data Bill

The Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) on the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill, 2019 has submitted its report.It has retained the controversial exemption clause that allows the Government to keep any of its agencies outside the purview of the law

Publish Date 24, Nov 2021 Read More
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Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2021: One Health Mission

India has one of the largest pediatric populations in the world: Those under 18 years comprise over 40 per cent of the country’s 1.3 billion.Pediatric healthcare, therefore, has a critical role in the overall health benefits for the country. It is unfortunate that multi-drug r

Publish Date 24, Nov 2021 Read More
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What are the China’s Nuclear Capabilities

The only real substantive outcome of recently held virtual summit between Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping has been some unconfirmed reports of the two sides, the US & China, agreeing to hold strategic nuclear talks sometime in the near future. Issues with China’s

Publish Date 23, Nov 2021 Read More
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Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill

At least five of the 30 members of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill are expected to move dissent (disagreement with official opinions) notes to the panel’s report on the legislation. These notes were mostly directed

Publish Date 23, Nov 2021 Read More